Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wait, What?

My Korean friend from the recruiting company emailed me last night. Just a check up to see how my visa paperwork is coming along. I told her that I'll be getting my documents apostilled tomorrow and am just waiting on my last reference letter. If everything goes on without a hitch, it should all be in the mail on Wednesday morning.

Her response?

If I mail on Wednesday then she said she could put me in a position that starts in the end of August.


I basically have less than a month and a half left in the USA.

I need to get a few things accomplished:

  • see as many friends as i can
  • get my fill of Mexican, Italian, Pizza, American Food
  • go to the beach
  • fondue
  • drink my fill of coffee milk
  • laps at the pool
Aaaand I think I should probably learn some Korean. I bought the Teach Yourself Korean book/cd set to learn with. So far its pretty good, I learned how to read and write in the Korean script, Hangul. If I really push myself then I think I can get enough down to not look like a total fool when I arrive.

Now that I realize that I don't have that much time left here, I can think of about a million things that I need to buy or get done before the big move.

How do I manage to pack for a year and pack light at the same time?

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