Except I was never sick in the first place.
Koreans have it in their heads that since I'm American, I MUST have swine flu. That's basic Klogic for you. Korean logic. Another example, Kimchi every day will keep you from ever getting sick. Anything that makes absolutely no sense to a westerner but somehow is justified to a Korean is Klogic.
Today was a great day. I got lunch with a teacher Terry who has been here for about 8 months. We had mandu (more on that later) and some soup stuff. We then went to Dolasn-do to look around. I took a bunch of pictures of the bridge and coastline because...well...I think they're beautifu.
When I got back to my apartment my co-teacher picked me up for my health exam. Part 2. I paid 29,000 won (a little less than $24 USD) to have my throat swabbed. All in the name of swine flu. They also told me that it was possible for me to have the H1N1 flu but be asymptomatic. I'M HEALTHY. JUST ACCEPT IT. Apparantly I need to take another medical exam to get my alien registration card. Whatever. Just get it done. Without that card I can't get a cell phone or my health card.
Dinner tonight was mandu with Carlos and Brad. Mandu is the new love of my life. small meat and vegetable filled dumplings steamed or fried. Dipped in soy sauce and served with yellow pickled raddish. I could eat a million at a time. I went out with some other people to Fish and Grill to get soju drinks. They were sugary concotions of fruit and the lethal soju. Equivalent to sangria night but not as strong. We ordered them with an extra bottle of soju to fortify them with.
I left a little early so I could finish making a powerpoint about myself for school tomorrow. I'm finally off quarantine and can teach. I'm pretty nervous about how this whole ordeal is gonna go, but i'm more excited than anything. From what I hear the schools are a lot more laid back and as long as you put in a little effort you should be fine.
Time for bed, its a school night.
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