Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"Fall"ing Into Place

My lame attempt at a clever title.

Summer is officially over.  The white raven has arrived (anybody? Ok. No more jokes).  School started.

I've fallen into one of my periodic bouts of stagnance again.  Probably because I don't have any real goals.  The goals that I did have were more like things that I just want to do.  Go to the gym regularly.  Blog more.  Stop parking it on the couch with a tub of ricotta cheese.  Mostly things that are achieved by simply doing or not doing them.  I need a real goal.  A goal to work towards.  A SMART goal.

I think I've found one.

This January (or if not, then April) I'm going to take the TOPIK test.  The TOPIK is for Korean what the TOEIC or TOEFL is for English.  My Korean is ok, but I would like to learn more.  I feel like it is my responsibility for being a long term resident of Korea and being married to a Korean.  Even though it is not imperative for my survival here, It's something I feel like I can do.  The TOPIK test is a way to quantify my skills.  Having an official result is more validating than someone saying "but you speak Korean well!"  This will get me on track to study more often and more seriously.  I even compiled a list of resources!  I love lists!

The test is broken up into 3 levels.  초급, 중급, and 고급.  Beginner, intermediate, and advanced.  The total TOPIK score range is 1-6.  Levels 1-2 are for 초급, 3-4 for 중급, and 5-6 for 고급.  I would start at the beginner level, 초급.  My goal is to get a 2.  Then I can prepare for the intermediate level 중급 test.

I think that I have a solid foundation and that my goal of getting a 2 is attainable if I put my mind to it.  Yesterday I downloaded a previous version of the test and was able to answer quite a few questions without getting stumped.  I can do this!  The hardest part will be forming the study habit.  I think I can, I think I can.  I know I can, I know I can.  

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