Monday, March 8, 2010

6 months down.

Well, I guess a little more than 6 months. Crazy how fast time flies. Today was the start of the first full school week of the semester. Tomorrow, most of my classes are canceled! Apparently in the second week of school 1st and 2nd grade students have exams. I'm so glad I'm not a Korean student.

I can already tell this is gonna be a good year with my classes. The 2nd and 3rd graders seem excited really excited for class. I'm happy that I have class with the third graders every week instead of every other when they were in 2nd grade. That being said, I'm bummed that I only get to see the new 2nd graders every other week because they were so funny as 1st graders. The new first graders are great. In one of my first grade classes today every student would stand up to ask a question. Another class wanted to give me an English name. The Ego trip also continues. Last Wednesday we had the "welcome to middle school" assembly. As I walked in, all the students I walked by were calling and waving to me. When the principal introduced me to the new students and their parents, all of the 2nd and 3rd graders were SCREAMING and cheering for me. Its gonna suck to go home and not be this big of a deal.


  1. Shut up. I will always be this big of a deal. I'll just be able to understand all the praise given to me, 'cause it'll be in English and not in Spanish

  2. Being kind of a big deal is great, isn't it? hehe.
    Sometimes I get this sort of welcome when I walk into the waiting room at work, but usually it's because people just want their medication.
