Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Metric what?

This is kind of a piggy-back on Jacqui O's blog about the metric system but it needs to be said. The US is dumb. Only 3 countries in the world don't use the metric system. The US, Liberia- a country that the US helped form, and Myanmar (Burma)- a country with a military totalitarian dictatorship. In fact, there are more communist countries in the world than countries that don't use the metric system. Ok, maybe the first map is a little off. Cambodia has since become a constitutional monarchy. But still, one country doesn't make that much of a difference.

Its really annoying when a pretty big chunk of your friends are from Canada or the UK and they talk about things like the weather or distances in a way you can't even understand. Being a science major I knew about how much 10ml was or that water froze at 0 and boiled at 100. But when I go to E-Mart and see that 10kg bags of rice are relatively cheap, its because its 22 POUNDS of rice. Needless to say I'm up to my ears in rice so if anyone wants some, you can find me in Korea.

Thank God will stay in Fahrenheit. Otherwise I hear "oh it'll be 18 degrees tomorrow", put on my coat and hat, only to realize that 18 degrees Celsius is 64 Fahrenheit and I'll be fine with a hoodie.

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